First Trimester Finale

I’m not sure how I ended up in my second trimester, it feels like I just found out I was pregnant. At the beginning of this pregnancy journey I promised myself I would try to not slam everyone with constant pregnancy updates. Well, I met that goal, but may have been a little extreme and neglected to post a lot of what’s been going on. So, here’s a rundown of my first trimester – with pictures! The pictures are just spread out in chronological order, they don’t have anything to do with any particular symptom/week relationship.

20140921_113253 5 week ultrasound. We found what’s cookin. No twins for me this time! 

Exhaustion. That sums it up. I’m ten levels beyond tired pretty much all the time. My entire adult life I’ve only been able to take naps when ridiculously sick or on serious pain medication (like after surgery). While pregnant I have taken multiple naps…accidentally.

20140921_114249 6 week ultrasound. Still one baby, with an official heartbeat! 

Morning sickness. By morning sickness I mean all day sickness. I guess I should consider myself lucky because the actual vomiting has been minimal. However, that’s hardly reassuring when you feel like oh my god I’m going to puke where’s the toilet before I do this on the floor nauseous almost all the time. Nauseous has been my way of life lately; luckily things have been letting up a little in the last week or so. Some days I go most of the day with only some minimal stomach blahs. Then I get hit with a day where even breathing makes me want to hurl. I’ll count it as one foot out the door and hope I get to rid myself of this “morning sickness” sooner rather than later. I’m ready to eat.

Eating? Not much. Plenty of sourdough toast. Gingerale. Crackers. Whatever else I think I can put in my mouth that isn’t puke inducing. My first trimester has been full of plenty of food aversions. Meat? Don’t even want to smell it. Lettuce? Pretty much tastes like it’s rotten no matter how fresh it is. I’ve been living on mostly carbs; but not a whole lot of them.

This lovely combination has led to a total first trimester weight loss (between week 4 and week 12) of almost 10 pounds. That’s over a pound a week of weight loss. I’ve been told numerous times by my midwife to not worry about it, so I’m trying not too. Apparently I’m allowed to worry if I don’t start gaining weight soon; so lets hope I can banish this morning sickness and start eating some serious food.

20140921_113444 7 week ultrasound. Apparently, I’m housing the letter E. 

Speaking of midwives; I have a midwife. That’s kind of a lie. Technically I have a group of midwives. I picked the hospital I plan on delivering at (one of the top rated birth centers in the country!!!) and found a group of midwives who have privileges at the birth center. I’m currently in the process of rotating appointments with each one before I pick my official midwife that will see me through the rest of the pregnancy. I’ve met two of the three, and meet the third and final option at my appointment in early October. Also in October, our anatomy scan. Stay posted for the official gender announcement.

20140921_113524 8 week ultrasound. Starting to look slightly more human, heart still going strong! 

Other symptoms worth mentioning include peeing all the time, killer headaches the minute I’m dehydrated, amazing boobs (up almost 3 cup sizes already) that are far to sore to even look at, and a touch of moodiness. I am straight up sappy most of the time. Crying because cartoon giraffes are just too fucking adorable for me to handle. Loving my husband more than I even thought was possible. Thank you hormones, just looking at him makes me feel like I’m glowing. Although, there’s also those hormonal rage moments where, well, it’s rage folks. Overflowing love for my husband? Check. Irrational and boiling rage stemming from zero patience (mostly directed at individuals other than the husband)? Also check. Luckily the sappy outweighs the rage most of the time.

20140921_113554 13 week ultrasound for Nuchal Translucency Screening. You can click to zoom for a better view. It’s a tiny (and very very active) human!!! 

As I enter the second trimester I’m looking forward to food. Also, I’m very much excited for this baby bump that seems to have appeared overnight (don’t worry, I’ll be sharing bump pictures soon, I’m just not there yet). If I could count down the minutes until I feel the baby move, I would. For now I’ll have to count down to the anatomy scan and keep myself busy with the mountains of work we have left on this house to prepare.

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