
Welcome to Montana Doodle! I’m a mom learning how to parent in Montana – camping, venison, and cold included. Here you’ll find musings, recipes, and guides. Let’s talk about parenting, DIY projects, organization, being gluten free, and transitioning to a more natural life.

Montana Doodle started with a focus on real life infertility, a move to Montana, and remodeling a house. It has since grown as an outlet for living a more natural, frugal, and fun life as a new wife and mom. A recent diagnosis of Celiac Disease has fueled my passion for natural living and (mostly) healthy eating even more.

I’m happy that you’re here, and hope you’ll stay awhile!

If you have questions, comments, or just want to chat you can email me at kyla@montanadoodle.com, find me on facebook at www.facebook.com/montanadoodle, or on Pinterest at www.pinterest.com/montanadoodle.


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